Jumat, 26 September 2014



James : Good morning, May i help you?
Anna : Ehm, I need a tour guide
James : Well, He will be your tour guide today
Anna : Oke, Thank you for your help
Yanni : Good morning sir, My name is Yanni, I will take you arround the zoo firstly, where place do you want to go?
Anna : I am like to look dolphins and all kinds of bird
Yanni : To look dolphins, we must walk for 5 kilometer. So we will go with zoo car
Anna : I think that's not bad. Which car do we use red or green?
Yanni : I ussually use red car, but it has been broken
Anna : Last month the car still good,  yet it has been broken
Yanni : I think the car broken because it has been old. come on we start our tour
Anna : Okay.

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