Selasa, 18 April 2017

Active And Passive Voice

A. Theory of Active Voice and Passive Voice
Active voice is the sentence that accompanied the transitive verb with the subject in front of verbs such as actors who perform an act. Passive voice is a form of the verb phrase that accompanied the three (Past Participle) describe the thing done (by the perpetrator)

B. Example : Active voice sentences are as follows :
1. We eat rice every day
2. You drink milk every day
3. They lock the gate every night
4. The Teacher is explaining the lesson
5. The Students are writing a story

Example Passive voice sentences are as follows:
1. Rice is eaten every day
2. Milk is drunk every day
3. The gate is locked every night by them
4. The lesson is being explained by the teacher
5. A story is being written by the students

Active sentences into passive sentences :
Subjects in active sentence has been at the front of the verb, and object there behind the verb. Note the changes in passive sentences below. Objects can be located in front of the verb. Past Participle (Verb to 3) is always used in active sentences.

Example :
1.(Active) : We need water
(Passive) : Water is needed
2.(Active) : They admire Madona
(Passive) : Madona is admired
3.(Active) : We educate our children
(Passive) : Our children are educated
4.(Active) : They built this house last year
(Passive) : This house was built last year
5.(Active) : They will forget this case
(Passive) : This case will be forgotten

A. Active and Passive sentences in Simple Present
- Active sentences in Present tense menggunakan Kata kerja 1
- Passive sentences in present tense menggunakan am/is/are + kata kerja 3
Example :
a.(Active) : I turn the light off at bed time
(Passive) : The light is turned off at bed time
b.(Active) : We import a lot of cars from japan
(Passive) : A lot of cars are imported from japan
c.(Active) : Recless drivers cause many accidents
(Passive) : Many accidents are caused by recless drivers
d. (Active) : Road accidents injure many people every day
(Passive) : Many people are injured in road accidents every day
e.(Active) : We export oil to other countries
(Passive) : Oil is exported to other countries

B. Active and Passive sentences Past Tense
- Kalimat aktif dalam Past tense menggunakan Kata kerja ke-2
- Kalimat pasif dalam Past tense menggunakan was/ware + kata kerja ke-3

Example :
a.(Active) : They signed the agreement
(Passive) : The agreement was signed by them
b.(Active) : Lightning struck the tree last week
(Passive) : The tree was struck by lightning last week
c.(Active) : The bad news shocked me yesterday
(Passive) : I was shocked by the bad news yesterday
d.(Active) : Steven took my picture
(Passive) : My picture were taken by steven

e.(Active) : I told him to come back the next day
(Passive) : He was told to come back the next day

C.Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam bentuk Present Continuous
- Kalimat Aktif dalam present Continuous Kata kerja ke-1 + ING
- Kalimat Pasif dalam present Continuous am/is/are + being + kata kerja ke-3

Example :
a.(Active) : They are looking at you
(Passive) : You are being locked at by them
b.(Active) : The men are cutting down the trees
(Passive) : The trees are being cut down
c.(Active) : The police officer is questioning the bad boys
(Passive) : The bad boys are being questioned by the police officer
d.(Active) : The committee is considering your proposal
(Passive) : Your proposal is being considered by the committee
e.(Active) : They are decorating my room
(Passive) : My room is being decorated

D. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Past Continuous
- Kalimat Aktif dalam past continuous menggunakan Was/Were + Kata kerja ke-1 + Ing
- Kalimat Pasif dalam past continuous menggunakan Was/Were + Being + Kata kerja ke-3

a.(Active) : He was teaching me at ten o’clock yesterday
(Passive) : I was being taught at ten o’clock yesterday
b.(Active) : They were beating up the thief until the police arrived
(Passive) : The thief was being beaten up until the police arrived
c.(Active) : The doctor was examining you when we talked with a nurse
(Passive) : You were being examined when we talked with a nurse
d.(Active) : They were following us when we walked to the park
(Passive) : We were being followed when we walked to the park
e.(Active) : He was advising the children when you went out
(Passive) : The children were being advised when you went out

E.Kalimat Akif dan Pasif dalam Present Perfect
- Kalimat aktif dalam present perfect menggunakan Have/Has + Kata kerja ke-3
- Kalimat Pasif dalam present perfect menggunakan Have/Has + been + kata kerja ke-3

a.(Active) : A mosquito has bitten me
(Passive) : I have been bitten by a mosquito
b.(Active) : We have warned him about that
(Passive) : He has been warned about that
c.(Active) : They have signed the agreement
(Passive) : The agreement has been signed
d.(Active) : We have delivered the catalog
(Passive) : The catalog has been delivered
e.(Active) : Has the government changed the regulation yet?
(Passive) : Has the regulation been changed yet?

F. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam bentuk Past Perfect

- Kalimat Aktif dalam past perfect menggunakan had + kata kerja ke-3
- Kalimat pasif dalam past perfect menggunakan had been + kata kerja ke-3

a.(Active) : Johnson had bought my horse when you met us
(Passive) : My horse had been bought by Johnson when you met us
b.(Active) : Paul told me that somebody had hit him
(Passive) : Paul told me that he had been hit by someone
c.(Active) : Somebody had hurt the woman when she reported to the police
(Passive) : The woman had been hurt when she reported to the police
d.(Active) : The kitchen looked better yesterday. Somebody had cleaned it
(Passive) : The kitchen looked better yesterday. It had been cleaned
e.(Active) : A tree was lying across the road. The storm had blown it down
(Passive) : A tree was lying across the road. It had been blown down in the storm

G.Kalimat Aktif dan pasif dalam bentuk Simple Future
- Kalimat Aktif menggunakan Future tense menggunakan Shall/Will + kata kerja ke-1
- Kalimat Pasif menggunakan Future tense menggunakan Shall/Will + be + kata kerja ke-3

Example :
a.(Active) : We shall serve dinner to the guests in ten minutes
(Passive) : Dinner will be served to the guests in ten minutes
b.(Active) : We will send you your examination results as soon as they are ready
(Passive) : You will be sent your examination results as soon as they are ready
c.(Active) : They will advise me about the price of the books
(Passive) : I shall be advised about the price of the books
d.(Active) : We shall make a decision at the next meeting
(Passive) : A decision will be made at the next meeting
e.(Active) : Our company will employ twenty new men next month
(Passive) : Twenty new man will be employed by our company next month

H. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Future Perfect
- Kalimat aktif dalam Future Perfect menggunakan shall/will + have + kata kerja ke-3
- Kalimat pasif dalam Future Perfect menggunakan shall/will + have + been + kata kerja ke-3

a.(Active) : At ten o’clock we shall have checked the machines
(Passive) : At ten o’clock the machines will have been checked
b.(Active) : We shall have finished this programmer in a few days
(Passive) : This programmer will have been finished in a few days
c.(Active) : By the end of the day you will have done the exercise
(Passive) : The exercise will have been done by the end of the day
d.(Active) : Tomorrow Paul will have fed the rabbits by six o’clock
(Passive) : Tomorrow the rabbits will have been fed by six o’clock
e.(Active) : I shall have woken Susan by midnight
(Passive) : Susan will have been woken up by midnight

I. Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Must
- Kalimat aktif menggunakan ”Must” : Must + kata kerja ke-1
- Kalimat pasif menggunakan ”Must” : Must + be + kata kerja ke-3

a.(Active) : I must carry out this plan
(Passive) : This plan must be carried out
b.(Active) : You must not leave the baby alone
(Passive) : The baby must not be left alone
c.(Active) : You must obey the law
(Passive) : The law must be obeyed
d.(Active) : We must protect wild animals
(Passive) : Wild animals must be protected
e.(Active) : We must punish criminals
(Passive) : Criminals must be punished

J.Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam CAN
- Kalimat aktif menggunakan CAN : CAN + kata kerja ke-1
- Kalimat pasif menggunakan CAN : CAN + be + kata kerja ke-3

a.(Active): You can practice English every day
(Passive): English can be practiced every day
b.(Active) : We can’t cheat them
(Passive) : They can’t be cheated
c.(Active) : Children can see this film
(Passive) : This film can be seen by Children
d.(Active) : You can borrow my motorbike
(Passive) : My motorbike can be borrowed
e.(Active) : They can arrange a meeting
(Passive) : A meeting can be arranged
Transitive and intransitive verb
What is the difference between the two verbs in the above sentences? At first thought, you may say the definition but forget about the meaning. Instead, concentrate on the grammar. How do the verbs differ grammatically?
Notice that the first sentence has two words following the verb hit. The second sentence doesn’t have words after the verb sang. These two facts lead us to a discussion on transitive and intransitive verbs.

What are transitive verbs?

Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. In the first sentence above, the direct object ball received the action of the verb hit.
Here are some more examples of transitive verbs:
I baked some cookies.
I rode the bicycle.
I moved the chair.
I stitched a quilt.
All of the verbs in the above sentences are transitive because an object is receiving the action of the verb. But what about the sentence “The bird sang.” Is the verb in that sentence a transitive verb? No, in this case the verb sang is an intransitive verb.

What are intransitive verbs?

Intransitive verbs are action verbs but unlike transitive verbs, they do not have an object receiving the action. Notice there are no words after the verb sang.
More examples of intransitive verbs:
I laughed.
I cried.
The book fell.
The horse galloped.
The sun set.
In all of the above cases the subject is performing the action of the verb and nothing is receiving the action.
What about this sentence?
I walked to the park today.
Is walked transitive or intransitive? Think about the rules. Since walked has words coming after it, the verb must be transitive, right? WRONG! The phrase to the park is a prepositional phrase and today is an adverb. There is no object receiving the action of the verb walked so the verb is intransitive. To recap, a transitive verb must be an action verb plus there must be an object to receive that action.

1. ‘’The boys have been told the good news.” It means ______.
    A. The good news was told to the boys.
    B. Somebody has told the boys the good news.
    C. The good news has been told by the boys.
    D. The boys have told the good news.

Jawaban : B
Keyword : have been told
Pembahasan : Berdasarkan bentuk polanya, kalimat ini adalah bentuk pasif 
present perfect tense. Jadi kalimat aktifnya adalah Somebody has told the boys the good news.

2. The meeting was supposed to be held yesterday, but it has been ______ to next Thursday.
    A. taken off
    B. worn off
    C. put off
    D. called off

Jawaban : C
Keyword :
 supposed to be held yesterday
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini bermakna sesuatu yang ditunda. Pilihan jawaban dan maknanya adalah taken off (diambil), worn off (luntur), put off (ditunda), dan called off (dibatalkan). Jadi pilihan yang tepat adalah put off.

3. The proposal ______ discussed when I called the office this morning.
    A. was being
    B. been
    C. being
    D. have been

Jawaban : A
Keyword : 
when I called
Pembahasan : Tense pada anak kalimat berupa past, jadi 
tense pada induk kalimatnya juga harus berupa past yaitu was being.

4. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds _____
    A. Occasionally to find
    B. Occasionally found
    C. Have occasionally been found
    D. Have occasionally found

Jawaban : C
Keyword : diamonds
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat pasif.

5. Many books _____, but one of the best is “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carniegie.
    A. Have written about success
    B. Written about success
    C. Have been written about success
    D. About successful

Jawaban : C
Keyword : Many books
Pembahasan : Kalimat ini memerlukan predikat dan bentuknya pasif.

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